Project Street Legal Stocker

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My blog is reborn

I used this blogspot for a few years as a teaching resource site for computer science. I always told my students I'd buy lunch for the first student who could explain the significance of my url handle "60foot". Eventually a student did in fact make the connection between my hobby (ie. drag racing addiction) and the label. I believe in starting things right. To me, the tree and the first 60 feet of the racetrack are where most races begin...and end.

Anyhow, this blog is just a fun place for me to log my progress towards building a NHRA legal stock eliminator car that is driven to the track and hopefully consistent enough to go a few rounds. I'm building a M/SA or N/SA 1989 Ford Mustang LX which will require low 13 second ET's. Stop by anytime!