Racing Updates

Well, the last month has been a busy one around home. I've had little time for racing and car work. However, I did manage to finally install my Hurst Roll Control. Without this device doing a proper and consistent burnout was always a bit of a challenge. I'm pretty sure my 60 foot inconsistency was due to the fact I was not able to get enough heat into the tires. Last weekends racing at the Medicine Hat National Open confirmed my theory.
My 60 foot were within 1/100 all weekend long and the ET's didn't vary more than 2/100's over the course of 2 days. Too bad the drivers reaction time didn't do the same :) I averaged .030 lights until the 3rd round on Saturday when I "lost the tree" and got distracted when it really counted. Like my mentor says - sometimes you need to make every mistake possible more than once in order to get better.
The good news is that I'm only 7 tenths off the N/SA index. Considering that my car is virtually a pure stock high mileage car I'm feeling confident I can get well under with my new motor and planned tranny combo. Also, it was just amazing to see so many stock/super stock racers in one place. They really are a professional and truly sportsman oriented group of people who love racing. I can't wait to go back next year.