June Update

Since the yard project has nearly finished I've finally found some time to work in the garage. I wish it was all leisure work .... but, my daily driver 1.9L Ford Escort decided to suck a valve last week. However, I'm hopeful a used head and a handful of gaskets should get me back and running.
However, as for the Stocker Project I'm happy to report that the short block is officially together! The next step is to pull the old motor and begin stripping some parts. I've now collected a total of four upper and lower intake combinations to flow test. One source of power in the stock 5.0 is finding a good lower intake as they are a big flow inhibitor for stock heads. A ported stock lower will provided 15-25hp and tq in an otherwise stock motor. Since porting is not an option, I need the best "as cast" intake I can find. Every little bit helps.
Lastly, I was going to wait on ordering a new converter until next winter. However, I was impulsive and called Andre at Edge Racing Converters. Edge as well established as a leader in Ford AOD converters. Anyhow, they are building a custom 9.5 converter to match the new motor and gearing combination. If the parts work as they should and I get a little luck from the tuning Gods I might just get my stocker under the index this year.