Season End Updates

My drag racing season ended two months ago but I've been too busy at work and in life to get around to a post until today. The final race of the year for me was the SIR Alcohol Funny Car feature on August 22nd. This is a big race for Saskatchewan's only quarter mile facility and features IBAA cars and nearly 200 sportsman racers. Nearly record crowds and great weather made it a memorable event.
I made relatively few changes from the race two weeks earlier in August so performance was similar with et's around 14.30 all day and night. However, during the quarter finals I left too quick and ran flat out with the car picking up 4 hundredths. I've never had much success night racing so I was very pleased having made a few rounds. I definitely need a lot more practice night racing though.
I end the season this year with a nagging sense of frustration. I naively embarked on my stocker project believing I could find 'tenths' with some proven and simple bolt-on items. Upon reflection I realize that I should be searching for 'hundredths' and that the route to get this car under the index will be a lot longer and more costly than I first imagined. However, now with a solid drivetrain I can begin to experiment and tune in hopes of finding some et. I'm busy considering and saving for some winter project options. Areas to address will certainly include rear suspension, exhaust upgrades, tuning add-ons, skinnies, and the removal of a few items. One last thing - I'm starting to buy lotto tickets because those new Cobra Jet's look fantastic!